Zoning & Planning

Click here to view a copy of the Township's current zoning map.
Click here to view a list of Zoning, Planning, and Building Permit forms.
Click here to download a copy of the Township's fee schedule.
A Zoning Permit is issued for compliance with the West Donegal Township's Zoning Ordinance, while a Uniform Construction Code (UCC) Permit is issued for compliance with the State of Pennsylvania's construction regulations. Many construction projects will require both Zoning and UCC Permits.
Construction may not begin on a project until a permit is issued. Applications should be submitted to the Township as far in advance as possible. A permit is valid for 1 year from the approval date. Permit extensions/renewals are required if the project is not completed within that time frame. Renewal fees are ½ the original fee or a maximum of $125. Prolonged/unfinished projects without renewals and/or renewal expiration will be doubled. These fees are in compliance with the Township Ordinance and/or Municipalities Planning Code.
Please continuing reading for more information about permits or call Alecia Hair, our Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer, at (717) 367-7178 option 3 with any questions. Bethany's office hours are Monday through Friday from 7:30 am to 4:00 pm.

Zoning Permits

The following is a guideline for the type of projects that typically require permits.

  • Building construction, additions, or alterations
  • Fences or retaining walls
  • Driveways/repaving
  • Sheds and gazebos
  • Decks or concrete patios
  • In-Ground or above-ground pools 2’ or deeper
  • Street openings
  • Use of all new construction
  • Demolition
  • Earth movement

*A permit is not required for residential roof replacement or repairs as long as no structure changes are being made.

Uniform Construction Code Permits

The following is a guideline for the type of project that requires a UCC permit:

  1. Cutting away a wall, partition or portion of a wall.
  2. The removal or cutting of any structural beam or load bearing support.
  3. The removal or change of any required means of egress, or rearrangement of parts of a structure affecting the egress requirements.
  4. The addition to, alteration of, replacement or relocation of any standpipe, water supply, sewer, drainage, drain leader, gas, soil, waste, vent or similar piping, electric wiring or mechanical.

*An ordinary repair does not require a permit.

For additional UCC guidelines and information on Residential Buildings, click here and for Commercial Buildings, click here.