Frequently Asked Questions and General Township InformationAct 44 Disclosures - PSATS PA Municipalities Pension Trust Barking Dogs - Barking dogs violate the noise ordinance. Residents wishing to make a report should contact the Northwest Regional Police Department at (717) 367-8481. Blasting in Rheems Quarry - The quarry in Rheems holds a mining permit from the State of Pennsylvania which includes the right to blast, following state guidelines. Click here for information on reporting blasting concerns to the PA Department of Environmental Protection (PA DEP). Budget Information - Current and past budgets Burn Ordinance - The Township has a burning ordinance. Residents are not permitted to burn any hazardous or recyclable materials.These items include; but are not limited to: Plastics, Cans, Glass, Tires, Newspapers, Office paper, Household waste, leaves, branches, Christmas Trees, Construction Material. Residents are permitted to have small recreational fires (camp fires). Residents may also burn small piles of brush if it is contained in a barrel and covered with a screen. Fires may not smolder and you must have a method of extinguishing the fire readily available. Comprehensive Plan - Currant and past Comprehensive Plans Concerns & Complaints - Township staff and elected officials occasionally receive anonymous complaints. Some of these written complaints have asked for an update on an issue but gave no return address or other method for contacting the individual making the complaint. While we applaud residents for their concern regarding their surroundings and the broader community, township staff and elected officials cannot respond to anonymous complaints. All complaints must be made via a written & signed form (with name and contact info given) for any action to be taken. A copy of our standard complaint form is available at the township office or can be downloaded here. Names and contact information of those filing complaints remain confidential. Electronic Recycling - The Lancaster County Solid Waste Management Authority handles the collection of covered devices. Information on the program can be found here. Elizabethtown Area Chamber of Commerce (EACC) - The EACC is focused on fostering business relationships that strengthen the Greater Elizabethtown Area, by providing all members access to numerous products and services that increase the viability, growth, and sustainability of its member businesses. The EACC is open to all businesses in West Donegal Township, Elizabethtown Borough, Conoy Township, and Mount Joy Township. For more information about the EACC or if your business would like to become a member visit the EACC website at www.elizabethtowncoc.com. Elizabethtown Public Library - The Elizabethtown Public Library offers more than just books. They also offer programs for every age, including Passport applications, copying and fax service, and fingerprinting. They also offer many service opportunities for the public to be involved. For more information visit their website at www.etownpubliclibrary.org. Fireworks - Please be considerate of your neighbors with the timing of your celebration. Remember that not everyone may be celebrating as late into the evening as you. You must be at least 150 feet from any occupied structure or public roadway when discharging consumer fireworks. Discharging fireworks on the public street or on any other township property or park is prohibited. The Pennsylvania State Police website has a fireworks FAQ page with more information. Have a happy and safe celebration. GEARS -GEARS provides recration, continuing education and social service activities and programs for the children, youth and adults. To purchase tickets, register for classes and trips, or learn about what GEARS has to offer visit their website at www.getintogears.org. Halloween - West Donegal Township follows the Lancaster County Inter-Municipal Commission's suggested guidance regarding the scheduling of Trick or Treat each year. Trick or Treat will be held each year on October 31st or the closest Friday when the 31st falls on a Saturday or Sunday. Hours for Trick or Treat are 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Click here to access a full copy of the Township's Halloween policy. Household Hazardous Waste - The Lancaster County Solid Waste Management Authority accepts household hazardous waste. For more information visit their website at www.lcswma.org/services/household-hazardous-waste-drop-off/. Large Appliance Disposal - Residents may take advantage of the curbside collection of these items. The Township offers a curbside collection for these items in the spring and fall. Watch for information in the Merchandiser, newsletter, and the website. If you wish to dispose of an appliance at any other time, residents may take these items to Lancaster County Solid Waste Management Authority on Harrisburg Pike in Lancaster. You may contact them at (717) 397-9968 or visit their website www.lcswma.org. Local Tax Information - The Lancaster County Tax Collection Bureau (LCTCB) handles the collection of the Earned Income Tax and the Local Services Tax for the Township. Visit their website at www.lctcb.org for information regarding filings, refunds, etc. All businesses within the township are subject to these taxes for their employees and shall be remitted to the LCTCB. Mailbox Damage - If your mailbox is damaged during a snow plowing event by impact from Township equipment, please call the Township office for a review by management. Picture of the damage may be required. Plow damage to a mailbox is unmistakable. Signs include a heavily damaged box and post, often broken in multiple pieces with very clear impact marks (plow paint, etc.). Please note that the Township is not responsible for mailbox damage caused by snow only, being discharged from a plow. It is the homeowner's responsibility to ensure that their mailbox is in good structural condition and capable of withstanding the rigors of winter weather conditions. Public Notices - The Township occasionally has to place public notices in newspapers of general circulation. These notices include meeting notices, budgets, proposed ordinances, etc. The Township generally publishes such notices in the Lancaster News Paper as well as the Public Notice section of this website. Right To Know Request - Right To Know Policy Road Kill - The Township is not equipped from a disease prevention and disposal perspective to remove dead deer and other large animals from the roadway. This task is the responsibility of the PA Game Commission for township roadways and PennDOT for state-owned roadways. Please report dead deer to the Game Commissions southeast regional office at (833) 742-4868 or (833) 742-9453 or to PennDOT District 8 at (717) 787-6653. In the event that a dead deer is blocking the roadway, the township will relocate it to the closest roadside gutter and contact the appropriate state agency. Snow Plowing - The Township has approximately 65 miles of public roadways that are plowed. Approximately 13 of those miles are PA State roads which are plowed by PennDOT or one of their contractors. These roads include Route 743 (Maytown Road), Route 241 (Bainbridge Road), Route 230 (North Market Street) and Turnpike Road. That leaves approximately 52 miles of Township roads that are plowed by our road crew. 52 miles may not seem like much until you realize that each of these roads usually take anywhere from 3 to 5 passes to complete the plowing process. Township roads are plowed based on the following order of priority: All designated snow emergency routes are plowed first and are revisited as often as is needed to ensure that these routes stay open and passable for emergency services purposes. Snow emergency routes in the Township are designated by Township ordinance and are too numerous to list here. Please follow the link to WDT’s E-code page for a complete list of designated roads. After all snow emergence routes have been cleared, we then go to work on the remainder of the main roadways. This typically includes any road that is not part of a housing development that the general public would use to move through or around the Township. After the main roads are cleared we then start plowing the housing developments. We understand that it may be frustrating for people who live in these developments to not see a plow truck immediately after the snow ends, please understand that we do everything we can to get to you as soon as we are able and have satisfied the previous list of priorities. Please don’t hesitate to contact the Township with any additional questions or suggestions regarding this topic. Social Media Policy - The township's Board of Supervisors have approved a social media use and commenting policy which establishes general guidelines and expectations for interaction with the township's social media platform. Stray Dogs - If you find a stray dog please contact the Northwest Regional Police Department at 717-367-8481. West Donegal Township has an agreement with the Mary K. Dano Animal Shelter Facility, which is operating under a branch of the Pennsylvania SPCA, who will only accept dogs from our police department. Stray dogs will be kept by the Police Department for several hours while the officers try to locate the owner. If the owner cannot be located, the animal will be sent to the shelter. Owners will then have to pay a reclaim fee at the shelter. The shelter is located at 848 S. Prince Street, Lancaster PA 17603. More information about the PSPCA can be found at www.pspca.org. Trash Balance Inquiry - Inquiries requesting trash balances, settlement companies, foreclosures, etc, should email the Township Office at info@wdtwp.com with the following information: Property Address, Seller Name, Buyer Name, Date of Settlement, Settlement Company contact information. TMI Information - West Donegal Township falls within the 10 Mile Radius evacuation area for Three Mile Island (TMI). The Emergency Planning for the Three Mile Island Area Brochure will help residents if a need arises.
Medication Disposal Box
West Donegal Township now has a Safe Medication Disposal box in the lobby where residents may dispose of expired and unused prescription drugs and over the counter medications. This box is secure and will be emptied as needed by the police department who will make sure the drugs are disposed of in the proper way.