Trash/Recycling Contracted Hauler2023 Republic Services West Donegal Township has a 3-year contract with Republic Services (2023-2025) who has contracted with West Donegal Township for a 2-day pick up for trash/recycling services. The Township pick up days are split between Monday and Tuesday. -Tuesday - North side of Bainbridge Road (including Masonic Village, Timber Villa, Turnpike Road, Newville Road, and North Market Street areas, etc.) Oversized items may not be picked up by the trash or recycling truck. A separate truck will come to pick up large oversized items. (New in 2023) Please contact the office by Thursday at 2:30 PM prior to the following trash pick up week to be schedule your oversized item. Coal stove ashes must be placed in plastic bags when cool and placed curbside with the trash. Loose ash in a can will not be picked up. This is due to safety reasons and also the disposal method of the ashes into the truck. We appreciate your cooperation to adhere to this disposal method. Republic Services Mailer: Republic Mailer to Residents Republic Services Flyer for instructions how to use and place the trash and recycling containers: West Donegal Cart Flyer Instructions If you have any questions, please call the Township at (717) 367-7178.